Category: Aches and Pain

Feeling Achy Aug20th 2020

Do you Wake Up Feeling Achy? It could be your mattress!

Imagine waking up, fully rested after 8 hours of sleep. As you gently awake, you move to sit up… only to be hit with an ache in your back. The aches in your shoulders and neck quickly follow as you move, but as you go to stand up, they are eclipsed by the dull ache

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Joint Pain Jul10th 2020

Always suffering from aches and pains in your joints? 3 Reasons to consider Physical Therapy

Do you have chronic pain? If so, you’re in the company of at least 20% of the United States population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At our physical therapy clinic, we work with people every day who are dealing with the physical and mental effects of chronic pain caused by

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