Category: pain relief

Dec10th 2022

Stay Active During Your 9-5 Job With These 5 Simple Tips!

Would it feel awkward or embarrassed if you were discovered doing jumping jacks at work? We hope not, and we believe that many successful businesses would applaud the effort! It’s becoming increasingly well-recognized that remaining physically active during the workday is beneficial, not only to your health but also to your productivity. It can also

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Sep20th 2022

Fight Back Against Chronic Pain Frustration With Physical Therapy

Arthritis pain is one of the most frustrating types of pain. It is intense, chronic pain that can interfere with just about everything that you like to do throughout the day. A study revealed an estimated 54.4 million US adults had been diagnosed with arthritis—about 1 in 4 Americans. Of those, about 27% report experiencing

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet Sep8th 2021

Discover Pain Relief with an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Living with Pain? Changing Your Diet Could Help Are you living with persistent aches and pains? If so, you may benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet. Maintaining a healthy diet plays a vital part in any physical therapy routine. Proper nutrition is important, especially if you deal with chronic inflammation and pain. Eating the right foods

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