Category: Massage

Stress-Related Headaches Dec10th 2020

Treat Stress-Related Headaches with Physical Therapy. Find Out How it Works.

There is nothing worse than that feeling of having your head in a clamp. Whether the pain starts in your neck, the back of your head or front and center behind your eyes, stress headaches can derail your entire day. While reducing your stress level can often reduce your stress-related headaches, getting rid of the

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Opioids Nov20th 2020

Say No to Opioids! 3 Ways Physical Therapy Can Naturally Relieve Pain

Physical Therapy: The Natural Alternative to Drugs Does the prospect of taking painkilling drugs for the rest of your life fill you with concern? If it doesn’t, then it should — especially if the drugs in question are opioids. Many chronic pain sufferers who can’t get the relief they need from NSAIDs or steroids feel

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