Category: health

Jan20th 2022

Enhance Your Life Through Stretching

Discover the Plethora of Health Benefits with Stretching Are you aware of the importance of stretching? Stretching is an important part of your daily routine. If you don’t have a stretching regimen in place, you definitely need one! A good stretch is the perfect way to start your day no matter what age you are,

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Dec20th 2021

Intro to Pelvic Health

Could You Benefit from Our Pelvic Health Services? Pain and additional issues surrounding the pelvic floor can occur for a number of reasons. It can be limiting and, for some people, even a bit embarrassing. It can hinder your daily life and prevent you from doing some of your daily tasks or activities you love.

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Dec10th 2021

How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Can Help Urinary Incontinence 

You’re in a store, trying to get your grocery shopping done or shop for a new outfit, and all of a sudden, you have to go. You look around desperately trying to spot a restroom, and when you see one, you speed up your pace and head straight for it, hoping it’s not too obvious

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