Category: Exercising

Physical Activity Apr20th 2021

Do You Need More Physical Activity In Your Life? These 7 Tips Can Help

Become a Healthier YOU with These Tips! Did you know that 80 percent of the U.S. population falls short of the Physical Activity Guidelines recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services? Millions of Americans are risking serious health consequences simply because they do too much sitting and not enough moving around with exercise.

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Stretching Jul20th 2020

3 Reasons Not to Skip Stretching After Exercising

Don’t Just Get That Regular Exercise — Do Your Post-Workout Stretches, Too! There’s no doubt about it: American aren’t getting enough physical activity. Healthy adults should be making a point of getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. If you already know that you need to be more active, you may

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