Category: chronic pain

May10th 2023

Got Arthritis Pain? Find Relief Without Medication

Taking an opioid painkiller for relief when a person has arthritis, especially in a weight-bearing joint like the knee or hip, can be a great temptation. The bad news is that while an opioid can momentarily relieve pain, the patient’s bones continue to grind together, exacerbating the underlying source of the problem. That’s before you

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Sep20th 2022

Fight Back Against Chronic Pain Frustration With Physical Therapy

Arthritis pain is one of the most frustrating types of pain. It is intense, chronic pain that can interfere with just about everything that you like to do throughout the day. A study revealed an estimated 54.4 million US adults had been diagnosed with arthritis—about 1 in 4 Americans. Of those, about 27% report experiencing

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Opioids Nov20th 2020

Say No to Opioids! 3 Ways Physical Therapy Can Naturally Relieve Pain

Physical Therapy: The Natural Alternative to Drugs Does the prospect of taking painkilling drugs for the rest of your life fill you with concern? If it doesn’t, then it should — especially if the drugs in question are opioids. Many chronic pain sufferers who can’t get the relief they need from NSAIDs or steroids feel

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