Preparing Your Body For Surgery Doesn’t Have To Be Hard!

Dec20th 2022

Do you have surgery on the books this year? Have you thought about preparing your body for what it’s about to go through? Surgery is a serious event, and our bodies heal from them the same way they heal from trauma. That’s why it’s imperative to prepare your body so that recovery can be as smooth as possible!

Your doctor has probably informed you about the benefits of physical therapy after surgery, but did you know that pre-hab exists too? Pre and post-surgical rehab are both often recommended for those having orthopedic surgery. These types of surgeries could include foot, ankle, knee, hip, wrist, hand, shoulder, neck, and spine surgeries. Rehab can, however, be beneficial for just about any type of surgical procedure.

A Synergy Manual Physical Therapy physical therapist in Colorado Springs, CO can put together both a pre and post-surgical rehabilitation plan to help you as you prepare for surgery. We’re with you 100% of the way! The following are several important benefits of having pre and post-surgical rehab.

What are the benefits of rehab before surgery?

This type of therapy is often referred to as pre-rehabilitation, and it helps an individual prepare physically and mentally for a surgical procedure. There are several benefits of going to rehab before your surgery.

  • Fewer Complications – The weaker and frailer a person is, the more likely he or she is to develop problems such as infection following a surgical surgery. Prior to surgery, prehab can help you gain strength and immunity.
  • Less Anxiety – Prior to surgery, patients who have done some form of prehab are less likely to experience anxiety or tension. Starting a physical exercise program that enhances strength, endurance, and flexibility will help you feel more confident about the procedure’s effectiveness.
  • Faster Recovery – Learning the exercises you’ll need to do before surgery trains your muscles in advance. This will make post-surgical rehab easier and more effective. PT in Motion News states that even a few sessions of physical therapy prior to surgery can reduce post-operative care for some patients.

How can post-surgical rehab benefit my recovery?

You probably already know this, but it’s important to start a post-surgical rehabilitation plan as soon as your doctor states that you’re ready! The following are a few of the benefits of post-surgical rehab.

  • Reduce Pain and Swelling – The right type of post-surgical treatment can help reduce the amount of pain and swelling you experience after your surgery. Icing and ultrasound are both techniques a physical therapist may use to reduce localized swelling and pain. According to PT in Motion News, patients that received the same day, post-operative physical therapy needed fewer opioids after knee surgery.
  • Improve Circulation – Improved circulation not only facilitates faster healing but reduces the chance of a blood clot forming. Something as simple as massage can improve circulation. Many types of basic exercises and simple movements prescribed by a physical therapist can promote increased blood circulation.
  • Regain Lost Strength – The more quickly you regain strength and stamina, the more quickly you’ll get back to your daily routine. A physical therapy program can be designed to target the specific areas in your body that need strengthening after surgery.

What you should expect from physical therapy

A physical therapist can help you determine the appropriate pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation strategy for your specific needs. Make an appointment with a physical therapist at Synergy Manual Physical Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO as soon as you know when your surgery is scheduled!

Before designing a customized prehab and rehab program, a therapist will likely do a thorough physical examination. Both before and after surgery, physical therapy can help you gain as much strength, stamina, flexibility, and better range of motion as feasible.

A physical therapist may use a variety of manual therapies or teach you exercises you can do at home. A therapist might also use heat, ice, or electrical stimulation. You’ll want to get started as soon as possible to make sure you’re prepared for surgery and can make a quick and full recovery.

Set yourself up for long-term success; call us today

After reading this blog, we hope you understand the benefits of physical therapy, both before and after a surgery. If you have more questions, feel free to contact our clinic! Synergy Manual Physical Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO is here to support you every step of your recovery. We make it our #1 priority to guide our patients through the best treatment plan for their needs, and you will be no different. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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