Category: Physical Therapy

Jun20th 2022

How to Tell If Your Pain Symptoms Are the Result of a Sprain or a Strain

Although the phrases “sprain” and “strain” are often used interchangeably, there is a key difference between the two. In order to understand the distinctions between a sprain and a strain, you must first understand the difference between a ligament and a tendon. Your ligaments are bands of tissue that connect bones to each other within

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Jun10th 2022

Physical Therapy: Your Path to Natural, Drug-free Pain Relief

Did you know that 66% of the United States adult population, or more than 131 million people, use prescription drugs everyday? Some prescription drugs can be helpful, and are important for treating a variety of illnesses, but the national opioid epidemic should encourage us all to think twice about relying on prescription medication for pain-relief.

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May19th 2022

A Painful Life Doesn’t Have to be Your Story! Live Comfortably with Physical Therapy

Find the Relief You Need with Physical Therapy Is your everyday life being affected by acute or chronic pain? Are you struggling to recover from back pain, joint pain, or an injury caused from a car accident? Whatever condition you might be facing, our clinic doors are open. We encourage you to call our physical

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