Category: Physical Therapy

Jan20th 2023

How Improving Your Posture Can Eliminate Back Pain

We’ve all heard the phrase, “sit up straight” before. However, this seemingly simple task is sometimes easier said than done. Most people recognize that posture is an important part of your overall health, yet it is something that is constantly overlooked. Think about how you end a long day of school or work. Do you

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Jan10th 2023

The Secret To Ditching Opioids

Another day, another drugstore visit. Month after month and year after year, many chronic pain sufferers find themselves on this treadmill. Prescription pain relievers can only do so much to alleviate your discomfort, and in the case of opioids, you may find yourself buying larger quantities more regularly just to keep up with your growing

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Dec20th 2022

Preparing Your Body For Surgery Doesn’t Have To Be Hard!

Do you have surgery on the books this year? Have you thought about preparing your body for what it’s about to go through? Surgery is a serious event, and our bodies heal from them the same way they heal from trauma. That’s why it’s imperative to prepare your body so that recovery can be as

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