Category: Opioid

Jan10th 2023

The Secret To Ditching Opioids

Another day, another drugstore visit. Month after month and year after year, many chronic pain sufferers find themselves on this treadmill. Prescription pain relievers can only do so much to alleviate your discomfort, and in the case of opioids, you may find yourself buying larger quantities more regularly just to keep up with your growing

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Opioid Oct10th 2020

Reduce Opioid Consumption and Feel Better with Physical Therapy

Long-term opioid consumption is not a good strategy for managing chronic pain. In addition to the risk of addiction, opioids simply alleviate the symptoms (pain) of a larger problem. For very real, measurable improvement over chronic pain, physical therapy has been proven to be a much better option than opioids or other pharmaceutical painkillers. If

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