Category: Arthritis Pain

May10th 2023

Got Arthritis Pain? Find Relief Without Medication

Taking an opioid painkiller for relief when a person has arthritis, especially in a weight-bearing joint like the knee or hip, can be a great temptation. The bad news is that while an opioid can momentarily relieve pain, the patient’s bones continue to grind together, exacerbating the underlying source of the problem. That’s before you

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May12th 2022

How Can I Relieve My Arthritis Pain, Without the Use of Prescription Drugs?

Physical Therapy Offers a Drug-Free Path to Pain Relief Are you becoming increasingly frustrated with your arthritis pain? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 54 million Americans have been diagnosed with arthritis. At Synergy Manual Physical Therapy, we understand how difficult it can be to

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Jan20th 2022

Arthritis Can be Difficult, But You Don’t Have to Live in Pain

Say Goodbye to the Arthritis Pains that Control Your Life Are you living with arthritis? If so, you’re not alone. There are many important steps that people dealing with this condition can take to relieve their stiff and aching joints. Physical therapy is one of them! It’s a great way to create an effective plan

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