Category: Aches and Pain

Aches and Pains Feb20th 2021

Ready to Leave Your Aches and Pains Behind? Find Relief with Physical Therapy

Move Like You Used to with Physical Therapy! Whether you have recently started waking up with generalized aches and pains, or suffering from chronic pain for a long time, physical therapy has been proven to be the best possible treatment method for you. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, or an injury can

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Nutrition Sep10th 2020

How Nutrition Can Have a Positive Impact on Reducing Aches and Pains

If you work with a physical therapist to help manage a chronic pain condition, you will probably receive some nutritional advice as part of the process. Physical therapists are not nutritionists, but providing nutritional advice to patients is well within the scope of a physical therapist’s duties. For some chronic conditions, dietary changes can make

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Feeling Achy Aug20th 2020

Do you Wake Up Feeling Achy? It could be your mattress!

Imagine waking up, fully rested after 8 hours of sleep. As you gently awake, you move to sit up… only to be hit with an ache in your back. The aches in your shoulders and neck quickly follow as you move, but as you go to stand up, they are eclipsed by the dull ache

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