Category: Aches and Pain

Dec10th 2022

Stay Active During Your 9-5 Job With These 5 Simple Tips!

Would it feel awkward or embarrassed if you were discovered doing jumping jacks at work? We hope not, and we believe that many successful businesses would applaud the effort! It’s becoming increasingly well-recognized that remaining physically active during the workday is beneficial, not only to your health but also to your productivity. It can also

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Feb20th 2022

What Is a Tension Headache, and How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Have You Been Suffering from Stress-Related Headaches? Have painful tension headaches become an irritating part of your daily routine? Do they strike while you’re sitting in traffic, late to work, or scrambling to get through a seemingly endless to-do list? At Synergy Manual Physical Therapy, we understand just how frustrating it is to deal with

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Oct20th 2021

Living with Lower Back Pain? That Doesn’t Have to be the Case! PT Can Help

Relieve the Pain in Your Lower Back with These 3 Tips Have you been living with lower back pain? If so, you are not alone. Dealing with back pain can be extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient. Tons of people turn to prescription medication to manage their pain, but with opioid dependence on the rise, many of

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