
Oct10th 2021

Hip and Knee Pain Getting You Down? We Can Help

Move with Ease Once Again! Hip and knee pain can be difficult to live with. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, knee pain is a common condition resulting in 19.4 million pain-related visits to a physician’s office each year! Are you struggling with debilitating or uncomfortable pain in your knees or hips? If

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Sep20th 2021

Managing Life Around Stress-Related Headaches? We Can Help

Stop Letting Your Headaches Control Your Life! Find Relief with Physical Therapy Are you planning your daily life around persistent headaches? If so, you don’t have to live that way any longer. Stress headaches are no joke, and sometimes, a pill just doesn’t cut it when it comes to getting rid of one. According to

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet Sep8th 2021

Discover Pain Relief with an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Living with Pain? Changing Your Diet Could Help Are you living with persistent aches and pains? If so, you may benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet. Maintaining a healthy diet plays a vital part in any physical therapy routine. Proper nutrition is important, especially if you deal with chronic inflammation and pain. Eating the right foods

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